Drawing of Balance in Art

One of the elements of composition is a balance which highly affects how you will feel towards the overall appearance of your painting. The balance in arts or painting is the easiest elements of composition that you will notice when looking at an artwork. The unbalance or balance in painting allows an artist to work either way that creates an impact which is either calmness on the painting or the feeling of being more lively.

How can you determine the balance in arts or painting if it's symmetrical or asymmetrical? How important is a balance in the arts or painting to create a unique connection to the viewer? What are the different elements of composition that affects the balance in arts or painting or artwork?

The Elements Of Composition: Determining The Balance In Painting

Elements Of Composition: Balance In Arts
Elements Of Composition: Balance In Arts

There are different elements of composition that affects the overall appearance of the artwork and one of them is the balance in the painting. You can easily distinguish the balance in arts or painting by looking merely on the focal point of the artwork or painting to see if it is balanced or unbalanced or the other term for this one is called symmetrical or asymmetrical balance.

It is important to always take in consideration of how you wanted to work on the balance of your artwork or painting to distinguish how this will give the right feeling to the viewer afterward. When we are talking about balanced or symmetrical thinking if usually gives the artist and the viewer the feeling of calmness once you are looking at the artwork itself. On the other hand, if you are creating artwork with an asymmetrical or unbalanced composition of the painting that it usually gives a livelier effect or feeling towards your viewer.

Elements Of Composition: Balance In Arts
Elements Of Composition: Balance In Arts

The Importance Of Balance In Artwork

Just like any other elements of composition and how you can use the principles of art on your artwork, balance in arts or painting usually is all about how the artist uses lines, texture, and colors on their paintings or artwork. There are different elements and principles of art that you can incorporate with the balance in arts or painting just like how you use the proportion or unified subject or structure on your painting or artwork.

There are different factors to consider if you are working with the balance in your artwork or painting however you don't really need to emphasize this element of a composition as how you are working with your subject matter or your focal point. You can easily distinguish how an artist uses the balance in arts by looking at how the artist uses the different elements of composition to their paintings which for example on how they use the lines or colors.

There are different ways on how balance also affects how the artist wants their viewers to feel towards the focal point or subject matter for their artwork or painting. There are different types of balance in arts that you can find or use when you are creating your artwork or painting which differs on how the artists' file or preference fits their inspiration for their painting. All of these different kinds of balance in thinking or arts depends on how the viewers will experience towards looking at your artwork.

Elements Of Composition: Balance In Arts
Elements Of Composition: Balance In Arts

If you wanted to give an easier explanation of how balance works on your artwork then you can look at it as if you are placing on a three-dimensional subject or cube which requires the artist to create equality. That means you have to make sure that when you are looking on this certain object on your artwork or painting it gives the sense of balance to make sure that the focal point or subject that's not tipped over because of the properly implemented balance through artwork and composition. On the other hand, if you are working with a balance on your artwork or paintings which is usually a two-dimensional surface. The lines, shapes, and colors that you are working with create a perfect unison and equality of balance on how you wanted it to imply on your artwork or painting. It is a true visual representation that we can achieve a unique yet successful way of showing balance to an artwork.

It is also important to properly execute the balance in arts on your artwork or painting that way you can manifest or manipulated the movement of the viewer's eye towards the overall appearance of your painting and not get stuck on a certain part alone. That way, balance is also incorporated with the other principles of arts and compositions of arts. If you have used balance properly on your overall artwork then you can say that you also created a unique rhythm that is present in the art itself as you control the movement of the viewer's eyes on your painting.

If you are working on symmetrical balance on your artwork or painting which is commonly used by artists to make sure that there is a perfect distribution of the different elements of art on their painting. The symmetrical balance of the composition is all about creating an imaginary grid or line on your painting surface to properly use the different elements of art in an equal proportion from left to right or up and down. The symmetrical balance of composition in art is also another term for a formal balance that is commonly or traditionally used by most art practitioners.

Elements Of Composition: Balance In Arts
Elements Of Composition: Balance In Arts

You can mostly find the symmetrical balance of composition on different artworks that depict or are used on institutional paintings or artwork and sometimes also you can find them on most religious-inspired paintings or artwork. There is also a different genre that you can incorporate with the symmetrical balance of composition on a painting or an artwork. There are usually three different kinds of symmetrical balance on an artwork that you can check or create. The inverted symmetrical balance or commonly known as the mirror type of thinking is usually all about creating almost exactly the same artwork from one side to the other which gives a perfect symmetrical balance of the painting. The near-symmetrical or another term for this one is an approximate type of balance in an artwork is all about creating a piece with the exact half of the other side but with different details that complement each other. If you will try to find a perfect example of a near symmetrical or approximate type of balance to any artwork or traditional designs then you can try looking for a playing card to be exact. The last one is the biaxial symmetrical balance which is not commonly used on artwork or paintings but it is perfectly inclined with different defined because of the optical illusion that it creates on a flat surface.

If you are working on the asymmetrical balance of composition in your arts or painting then it is a much more freestyle type of balance for an artist. On this type of balance of composition, it is all about the contradicting elements that create a unique type of balance on the artwork or painting. It is all about the dark and the light side of the painting which there are also some elements of arts that are equally proportion but with contradicting properties to emphasize this type of balance. To further give you an offer you between the difference of symmetrical and asymmetrical balance of composition in art s if you are pertaining to the symmetrical balance if it's mostly a copied version of the other half to the next half heart of the painting. While in the asymmetrical balance it is having the balance surroundings but contradicting images towards the focal point or the center of your painting. This informal type of balance is all about adding balance while keeping a unique style and designs on the other half that does not replicate or copy but creates a unique equally portion of the overall painting.

Drawing of Balance in Art

Source: https://www.tropicdrawing.com/elements-of-composition-balance-in-arts/

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