How Do You Know if Baking Soda Has Aluminum

I like to imagine information technology went something similar this:

Five women were sitting effectually a table eating sprouted whole grain scones, talking about the latest in wellness scandals. Martha turned to Jody and with a sly smile whispered into Jody's perfect curly-q ear, "Did y'all know blistering powder has aluminum in it? I bet Janice used baking powder in her scones! Nosotros're all going to get Alzheimer's now. Thanks a lot, Janice."

Jody squinted her eyes and gave information technology a bit of idea, and turned to the manicured Steffi and whispered, "Did you hear? Baking pulverization has aluminum in it!"

Steffi, not quite sure what to make of this information, leaned over and whispered to Maggie, "What's the deal with baking soda containing aluminum? I thought that was BAD!" And Maggie, ever the start to know of shameful wellness trends, stands up, flips over the table and says, "YOUR Blistering SODA HAS ALUMINUM IN IT, JANICE! We Volition Non Be LUNCHING Hither TODAY."

Then all the ladies, except for poor, confused Janice, march out the door and into their nearest Whole Foods to find aluminum-free blistering soda.

And that, my friends, is how the myth near baking soda containing aluminum became a widely held misconception.

Blistering Soda Does Not Contain Aluminum

Much like my time spent researching borax and olive oil, it really wasn't all that easy to get to the bottom of this baking soda anti-hoax. Everywhere you lot turn, there are people proudly claiming they merely buy Bob's Ruby-red Mill Aluminum-Free Baking Soda, because, by gosh and all, if it doesn't say aluminum-free, and then it must incorporate aluminum.

FYI, I buy Bob's Red Mill or Frontier  baking soda, also, just for other reasons we'll talk about in a minute.

First, let's only get one matter straight, blistering soda does not contain aluminum. Regardless of whether it says aluminum-free or not on the packaging. Even good quondam Arm & Hammer, with their otherwise questionable products, does not contain aluminum.

Bob's Crimson Mill, for as much good as they've washed, haven't really done whatever of us a service by popping that aluminum-gratis label on their bicarbonate of soda. Information technology's just led to a whole lot of defoliation. But information technology sure did make a genius marketing strategy, didn't it?

The Great Baking Soda Anti-Hoax
Baking soda … sans aluminum. It's all that style.

Anyway, the confusion happened, information technology seems, because baking powder, which is produced in very different means from baking soda (though information technology does contain some baking soda), often does contain aluminum. So if yous're going to wait for the words aluminum-costless, look for it on blistering powder.

If the health benefits of using aluminum-free baking powder isn't good plenty for you, do it for the taste. Aluminum-free baking powder produces infinitely yummier treats.

Merely we're not talking near blistering powder. Nosotros're talking soda here. South-O-D-A.

There IS a Difference, Though

And then, now that we know at that place's no aluminum in baking soda (simply that there frequently is in blistering powder), what'due south the difference betwixt, say, Bob's Red Mill and Arm & Hammer baking soda?

Why on earth would you want to pay dollars more per pound for something similar Bob'due south Red Mill when you can become Arm & Hammer for a stick of gum?

Information technology has to do with the way the two things are procured. A brand similar Bob's Red Mill (or Frontier or diverse other natural brands of baking soda) are mined directly from the ground in their natural sodium bicarbonate country (also known as nahcolite). In fact, Bob's Scarlet Factory is mined right hither in Colorado, so for me it's kind of similar ownership local. Which is nice.

At that place are no chemical reactions, zero added or fiddled with. It's merely pure sodium bicarbonate, the way the earth made information technology.

On the other hand, Arm & Hammer baking soda uses a chemical reaction process through which trona ore is mined, then heated until it turns into soda ash. So the soda ash is treated with carbon dioxide, and baking soda pours forth through the glorious brilliance of science.

It's only a lot of effort to go through to procure something that'south abundantly available at this signal.

However, I practise not look down on the employ of Arm & Hammer (or similar brands). In fact, it'due south the merely baking soda I use for cleaning. It'due south okay enough, for me, to use on counter tops and bathtubs and more.

I choose, though, to only use naturally mined sodium bicarbonate (like Bob'due south or Borderland) when I cook, brand my own skincare items (like deodorant or exfoliant), or take information technology internally when I have the occasional heartburn.

This Clears Up the Confusion, Aye?

In a nutshell, if you lot just skimmed all my words and ended up hither at the bottom hoping for a quick and like shooting fish in a barrel wrap-up:

  • Blistering soda does not contain aluminum, regardless of whether or not the bundle says "aluminum-free."
  • Arm & Hammer (and other similar brands) apply a chemical process that turns trona ore into soda ash and then reacts carbon dioxide with the soda ash to produce blistering soda. This is not necessarily bad, per se, merely it's not the same as …
  • Brands like Bob's Red Manufactory and Frontier procure their sodium bicarbonate directly from the ground, in its natural state.
  • I'g not going to judge you based on your baking soda buying choices, because I am not Maggie.

Lastly, allow me merely say this: If you were dislocated past the baking soda and aluminum situation, do not fret. It's like shooting fish in a barrel to become really confused in the game of whisper words, peculiarly when it'due south played on the internet.

But at present you know, and now you accept one less thing to worry about.

You're welcome.

The Great Baking Soda Anti-Hoax 2

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