Speculation surrounds a trio of Republican lawmakers who were the only House members to vote against a resolution to support Ukraine's sovereignty.

The final tally on Wednesday was a near-unanimous vote of 426-3, with the House passing the resolution despite three "no" votes from Representatives Paul Gosar (R-Ariz.), Matt Rosendale (R-Mont.) and Thomas Massie (R-Ky.). The trio have not released official statements on their votes, however, heavy criticism was quickly aimed at all three, with some politicians chastising them for voting against a resolution that received nearly complete bipartisan support.

Representative Adam Kinzinger (R-Ill.), one of the most outspoken critics of the current state of his party, tweeted that the trio of no votes was "unreal," adding that "the bright side is over 400 voted yes."

"Dear Gosar, Rosendale, and Massie, you are not anti-war," Kinzinger said in a follow-up tweet.

The Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee (DCCC) tweeted a response to the resolution, calling the no votes from the Republican congressmen "truly despicable behavior."

"Last night, the president spoke of America standing with the wall of strength that is the Ukrainian people," the DCCC said. "Just now, three House Republicans voted NO on a resolution in support of Ukraine."

Amidst the continuing criticism from both sides of the aisle, Massie and Rosendale do not appear to have released any responses to their votes. However, Gosar did reply to Kinzinger's tweet following the vote, saying: "Talk to me when our border is secure."

As the news of the vote made the rounds on social media, some accused the trio of congressmen of aligning with Russia, with one account calling them "pro-Putin MAGA traitors."

In particular, eyes shifted toward Massie and his past sentiments regarding foreign policy and the invasion of Ukraine. This includes his expected Democratic opponent in the upcoming midterms, Matthew Lehman, who tweeted that Massie was "an anarchist hellbent on dismantling a secure and prosperous world order" after he signed a letter urging President Joe Biden to seek congressional approval before engaging in military action.

"Your childish stunts endanger millions of Ukrainians and free people around the world," Lehman added.

US Capitol
Three Republicans are facing criticism after they voted against a resolution that stood with the people of Ukraine in a symbolic gesture. People from both sides of the aisle took to social media to show their displeasure. iStock/Getty

Others on social media pointed toward Massie's alleged ties with Russia. In particular, a 2019 article from liberal think tank Think Progress said: "Massie's recent votes in Congress...see the congressman consistently siding with Russia's interests."

The article added that "Massie attended a lavish February 2017 dinner alongside Maria Butina, the Russian agent who...is potentially facing years in prison for serving as an unregistered foreign agent."

Massie has denied having any connections or ties to Russia, and his votes in Congress have been cited as being a result of his libertarian viewpoint.

The motion, H. Res 956, was titled "Supporting the people of Ukraine" and was sponsored by Representative Gregory Meeks (D-N.Y.), the chair of the House Committee on Foreign Affairs. H. Res 956 stressed that "it is the right of all countries to decide their own future, foreign policy, and security arrangements free from outside interference or coercion."

"The House of Representatives demands an immediate cease-fire and the full withdrawal of Russian forces from Ukrainian territory," the resolution said, adding that the U.S. "supports, unequivocally, Ukraine's sovereignty and territorial integrity."

"[The House] states unambiguously that it will never recognize or support any illegitimate Russian-controlled leader or government installed through the use of force, and that only the people of Ukraine can choose their leadership through free and fair democratic elections without foreign interference, intervention, or coercion," the resolution continued. "[The House] stands steadfastly, staunchly, proudly, and fervently behind the Ukrainian people in their fight against the authoritarian Putin regime."

Newsweek has reached out to Massie, Gosar and Rosendale for comment.